Evolutionary Astrology

discovering your path

creating your way

The road...

We are all on the road to somewhere

It can be straight
Sometimes it's surprisingly narrow and filled with twists and turns
 and not all of our travels are scenic and easy...

But...what if we choose to make those twists and turns more intentional?  It is possible...

What if...?

you could feel at ease with your unique set of celestial energies expressing as a part of YOU

you could make sense of the way the planets affect the "push and pull" of everyday life

you could have a greater understanding of areas in your life where the Cosmos is talking to you

...Right now...and into the future?

Let's go...

What do you need to know to

get started?

Let's discover your MANDALA.  It's the blueprint...

your unique energies that became your brand of energy expression and your birthright at the moment you came into this World.

The CIRCLE is an expression of the COSMOS as it relates to energy available to you...when you were age 5, 10, 25, 35 ...until now.  

It is waiting to be discovered in you!

"Each Human Being exists because there's something they have to offer
for the evolution of the universe that only they can fulfill"
...Herbie Hancock


The Natal Chart is the door to YOU

WHEN YOU took your first breath...Inhale...Think about it...Feel it...Life as you know it began for you.  Why that timing?  Why that place? And even more interestingly...why that family?

EVOLUTIONARY ASTROLOGY uses the energies of the planets and their placement in the COSMOS at the time of your birth to investigate just these questions, and more.  An ancient art.  Born before the science of Astronomy was a spark of imagination to one of our most famous Astrologers -- Copernicus.  This array of planetary energies known as your natal chart resembles a clock face.  It holds the possibilities for you to become the whole human being you are...that is...you as a physical being, but also you as a being of emotional substance, intellectual and cerebral significance, and you as a vibrational and spiritual being.  We all have unique energy signatures waiting to be opened up to our direction and exploration.  

IT'S TIME to get to know yourself...maybe all over again. Or more fully.  It's your time to be BOLD...ðŸŒ