A bit about me...

A combination of science...and a little bit magic...

My life 's desire has been to be of help to others in need.

I had the good fortune to grow up in a home with scientists...and early work as a cardiovascular intensive care nurse, and subsequent work in oncology research medicine firmly rooted me in hard science.  

As I have worked with courageous souls and their loved ones during times of extreme trauma and distress, I opened more fully to the extrasensory experiences of being human.  I gained access to the feelings of those under my care -- concern, pain and fear, as well as joy and love.

This spiritual experience sparked a desire to expand my training to include the study of Reiki and Healing Touch,  Animal Telepathy --as well as the discipline of Evolutionary Astrology.  I'm proud to be a certified practitioner of Forrest Evolutionary Astrology, as well as a level II Reiki practitioner.  I am grateful to work with others now in these extraordinary fields that are all about possibility and expansion. 

 I encourage you to open to or expand on your own journey...everything amazing awaits. I like to thank my practical Virgo Sun...my compassionate Cancer Ascendant...and my elusive Scorpio Moon...in addition to the rest of the cosmic circle of planets that has brought me to this wonderful work.

I invite you to explore your secret to success...your Sun energy...your secret to happiness...your Moon energy

...and the rest of  your unique celestial energies that are held in the circle of planets of your natal chart.

I promise you an adventure...

🌠 Robyn