Come to the Edge...


May 7, 2020    Scorpio Full Moon  in Taurus Season    The Flower Moon    6:45AM EDT

How appropriate...a flower moon during the time of Taurus energy. Flowering is akin to seeing and smelling...sensing the beauty of our Spring world. A message to humankind that the World is capable of remarkable beauty. But only through transformation (the Scorpio connection). Beauty shining as it has struggled from inward to outward. This is also the strength of a Scorpio Supermoon. A powerful full moon wrapped up in the sensuality of Taurus...up close and personal...and full of edgy truths to leave us a message.

The message. I offer the lyrics of Dan Wilson, of the group Semisonic...

     Closing Time

     Time for you to go out and into the world

     Closing time

     Turn the lights up over every boy and girl

     Closing time

     One last call for alcohol so finish your whiskey or beer

     Closing time

    You don't have to go home but you can't stay here

The spirit of these lyrics is a nod to a time of "flowering" or giving birth to a new creation. A profound and apt message for this lunar cycle.

You know by now that I seek to understand life through our shared worldly polarity experiences. This full moon in Scorpio while moving through the opposite sign of Taurus gives us a hint to the message.

The Taurus mantra. "I have". Taurus embodies those things that manifest in our lives that fill us up and bring life through our senses. What feels good? What tastes good? What makes us feel alive? All of it in the manifest and material world. These wonderfully life-giving sensual joys are what we value in those who share with us an abundance of Taurus spirit. Taureans are the life sustainers. They are professionals at living in the moment of the beauty of life. So...what possibly could be harmful in that? Ah...the dark side...there always is one. Do we choose to face it? Here is another clue to our message.

The Scorpio electric-like "current" as balancing agent. Scorpio comes in the form of this full moon...all an electric eel. It is time to reconcile. It is a time to balance our well-kept Taurean pleasures. This is not destruction for no reason. It is a time to rediscover our ability to move around the wheel of life from death to rebirth. First, we must concentrate and distill. We are at the edge. These Scorpio vibrations are raw and meaty and profound.

Let us consider a story...You are on a hiking trail fully lined with gorgeous legacy trees and flowering mountain laurels and ferns. Smell the earthy elements of ground minerals all mixed with the pine needles below your feet (can you begin to sense all that Taurus energy flowing through your veins?). You climb. Into the clouds. Then...suddenly are confronted with a sign that says "closed". You peek over the sign cautiously and gasp at the stunning but enormous and treacherous-looking chasm in the rock (enter your Scorpio Moon moment). You had not noticed that as you climbed your path was disappearing behind you dissolving into dense forest. You pause. It started out so delightfully beautiful and restorative...what happened? Now what...? "Is there another way?" you think to yourself. Maybe...just maybe...

The choice beckons. Do we fight to remain safe and secure in our habits and daily life choices? I think not if we read the signs. The balance has tipped. Our Universe is telling us during this powerful full moon that to fully live is to transform. This is life as it has always been measured. We like to hold on. Even when letting go is meant for us. We had to do that at the very beginning...when we let go and birthed ourselves into this World as infants. Birth and and death...Scorpio energy has the strength to bring it into the open. That is Scorpio superpower. This Moon energy is charged. It is impelling us to not be afraid to move into the unknown. We can always choose its opposite. We can continue to choose to rebel against the changes we are experiencing. But...yet...we are meant to evolve. Birth and death are the two extreme (Scorpio) polarities in our life "current". Birth and Death are both painful.

Back to our realize you had thought you were alone on that precipice. But there it is. An outstretched hand coming from another living, breathing human being. She holds her gloved hand out to you - all decked out in harness, helmet, ropes and carabiners. She is your Scorpio Moon guide. She hands you a pair of gloves...and a piece of rope that trails down the chasm...she points downward and says "jump! And hold steady!"

What do you do? Are you ready...? No, likely not, but remember... don't have to go home, but you can't stay here...every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end....🌠

#scorpiomoon #fullmoonpower #daretojump #turnthelightson  #endsarejustthebeginning

*A generous thanks to Dan Wilson for the Semisonic lyrics for "Closing Time"®

*To Marko Horvat @lemondyt & Jeniffer Araujo @jenitosk for the fabulous photos