The Spring Solstice is an Aries birthday card...signed by Saturn


Spring Solstice   March 19, 2020  7:19am   Sunrise   EDT

Sun enters Aries   March 19, 2020  11:50pm  EDT

Saturn enters Aquarius  March 21, 2020  11:58pm  EDT

The Spring Solstice is an Aries birthday card...signed by Saturn...

Polarity. Ever wonder why there are so many human experiences filling our days with opposites? Sun/Moon...Light/Dark...Happy/Sad...Courage/Fear...Abundance/Lack...

The polar opposites are those energies which allow us an opportunity to weigh and balance life experience. As we witness these opposing energies, do we even see the choices that appear constantly about how we wish to experience our lives...especially since they are so common in our daily experience that we rarely even notice them?

Well, that is...until we must...

Transition. Polarity asks us to welcome and encourage transition. Transitions are those change points that Life offers to encourage us to move to the next level of being. Then Polarity motivates transition. Without it, human existence would remain stagnant...without creative input or output. I would argue that from the heart perspective Life would also remain without purpose or meaning...or at the very least...humans cannot thrive.

The Universe's input. Or if you are so inclined...Consciousness. If we were not meant to be influenced by these numerous polar opposites, I seriously doubt they would be so ever present in our day to day existence.

The point of living is to live. to sustain ourselves and allow for growth? Right now. This week.

I take my cue from the Cosmos and the cycle of life we see as...

our Earthly seasons (Earth energy)

the flow of tides and moon phases which allow for our seasonal changes (Water energy)

the vibrant Fire energy of our home star, the the source of our physical life, warmth and food

the creative energies that encourage our thoughts and ideas (Air energy)

It is all these that are being sparked this tandem...and for us to use and gain benefit.

My message today is to "look up". There are patterns to be recognized above us that play out below on our Earth plane and even more directly among us and between us.

Look up. Thursday March 19, 2020. Sunrise. The Spring Solstice begins in the Northern Hemisphere. Celebrate new life. New beginnings. New opportunities.

Look up. Followed closely at 11:50 pm EDT is another gift wrapped in Aries energy.

A new cycle begins with the fiery impact of a match being struck...let's choose to move that energy to the positive end of fire. Let's work with how it warms us... allows a warm cooked and nourishing meal. This is the promise of the Sun to light and produce warmth and abundant vitality.  This is the energy of joy and celebration.  And Wonder.

Look up. We may even sense or feel as we gaze into the stars...that of the lightening up of the stodginess, stagnancy and resistance that can be a shadow of the receding Capricorn season and its ruling planet, Saturn. Make no mistake. We are blessed with those of our colleagues and family members who, in their abundant Capricorn nature, so efficiently and selflessly "handle it" for us...and for others. But...there is a shadow...and here is where polarities are so important. We begin to feel the pendulum shift. It is the time for new beginnings. This is the next transition...

Saturn moves from the sign of Capricorn into Aquarius.

The Universe makes its next suggestion.  It is time to shift.

Look up. Saturn evolves into Aquarius on March 21, 2020 at 11:58 pm EDT. Saturn in Aquarius energy asks us to be realize the values of commitment...and to come to terms with the restrictions we have recently faced so we can most fully emerge stronger...more committed...more resilent. Do you feel the energy of the Solstice Sun here? All the positive expressions that have and can emerge from seeing all those polarities in the fading Saturn in Capricorn energies.

To be fair. This is not about good or bad. After would we assess the value of either without their opposite? Instead, let's focus on our choices. Let's shift the pendulum toward the more enlightening of Saturn's earthy qualities...





seriousness of purpose

Now Saturn flavored with Aquarian energy offers us gudance to take these Capricornian values of work-oriented success and evolve (the best of Aquarian words) into things like...

creative process

innovative genius


freely pursued ideas and thoughts

...all of these form the archetype of future-oriented thinking that is the Aquarian gold standard. And what might that look like?

Standing in solidarity with our communities for greater causes

Pursuing commitment to those values which support humanitarianism and charity...forwarding the best of Public Health safety and security.

This is the time. We are being given time in our individual solitude to contemplate this. The Universe is watching...Remember to look up...🌠

#Springsolstice #gentlethursday #ariesseason #saturninaquarius #ageofaquarius #evolveastro