Expand to fill your space...


April 4, 2020   Jupiter / Pluto  Conjunction   1045pm   EDT   US

We have two hands...two feet...two eyes...two ears. As human beings we learn about these pieces of ourselves at the earliest of times in our lives. They become so integral to our bodies that we scarcely notice them individually. They work in tandem to allow us to navigate life with a sense of balance. A partnership.

As we become more sophisticated beings along our life path - how do we actively perceive this balance that has become second-nature to us? It seems it becomes apparent in the experience of imbalance. We get upended in our daily life experiences. Maybe we perceive our once three-dimensionally balanced way of being has now the attributes of too much of one thing and not enough of another.

What do we do in response to this imbalance? What message does the Cosmos offer to us to "right ourselves" again...or maybe for the first time.

The Three Messengers. Jupiter...Pluto...and the Virtue of Temperance. All coming together today to inform our potential for change.

Our first messenger. Jupiter is the archetypal cosmic energy that represents expansion in our lives. Seen from one perspective, we witness this energy as "anything is possible". We have all felt this beautiful vitality of freedom and power in our personal lives as we have equally seen it play out on our World stage. Many of you have heard my expression of Jupiterian energy as having "Santa Claus in your back pocket". A beautiful and wondrous and magical energy available to us through this Jupiter connection. The euphoric feeling of Good Fortune. But...another third-dimensional universal law is also at play here. The idea of Polarity or the opposite experience is also possible.  What goes up...must come down. We can see, then, that unrestrained Jupiter expression can become the balloon that overinflates and bursts...and how too much of a good thing tips into imbalance and ill-fortune.

Our second messenger. Pluto, the energy which represents those experiences in our lives that not only invite change but insist upon it. And not just change, but transformational change. We see and feel and experience this energy each time we meet a crossroad...a roadblock...a detour sign...a stop sign. Pluto energy is here to shuttle us to the next dimension of ourselves. The bus ticket is thrust into our hands and we are ushered onto the bus to the destination of our new selves. The time is now to become more than we have ever been (Pluto) and more than we ever thought possible (Jupiter).

Our Universal messenger and guide. Temperance. This is the archetypal energy of the alchemist. The experience of a moderate mentoring energy is at play here. Moderation offers a suggestion to take a pause...evaluate our thoughts and intentions...pull the polarizing power of Jupiter (expansion and optimism) and Pluto (transformational change) together with the archetypal guide of Temperance into a synergy of something new.

Place moderate intentions for yourself and others. I am not implying moderate in the sense of less than optimum intentions. Rather, I am suggesting we look for ways to bring these two extreme energies together to create...be an alchemist. What are the opportunities in your personal life...your life as a family/community member...friend...to create an elixir of healing patience, understanding and calm. In a word...Peace. All the best attributes of Temperance.

This integration...this alchemy...is not easy or effortless at first glance. But placed within a prism of moderation...the middle ground...the negotiated center...we have a real opportunity to live into anything being absolutely possible.

Remember your two hands...your two feet...your two eyes.. and your two ears. You performed the impossible when you integrated these into yourself. Let's expand to fill our space with intention and wonder and expansion to a new possibility of life. The best of life...It is always possible.🌠


A note to all...

In an effort to become an alchemical community...please consider being part of this global meditation for planetary healing happening monthly, but happening all over the World today at the exact timing of the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto this evening at 1045pm EDT (US)...

www.globalmeditationmovement.org...I hope you will join me!🌠

...and a thank you to the wonderful Wild Unknown Tarot ®...

#evolveastro #jupiterplutoconjunction #Temperance #anythingispossible