Grounding the Flow...


Virgo Supermoon / Full Moon March 9, 2020 2:33AM

Grounding the Flow

Virgo earth energy is all about being solid and steadfast and grounded.

But, to understand our current Virgo Full Moon energy we need to witness the flow of Piscean energy that came under our previous New Moon at the beginning of March. We opened the month with the energy of establishing a conductive circuit of greater collective energies. What tugged and pulled us at the beginning of March? Likely, it was fueled by the Piscean water energies of deeply held emotions...or how about deeply felt concerns for our collective good? Sound familiar?

How did we do? If that question brought up in some of you the idea that there is still much to accomplish and to get just right, you'd be spot on. Pisces new moon was the opening act. This Virgo Full Moon is the culmination of getting to astrological sign knows how to do this better than Virgo energy.

The Pisces New Moon left us with the challenge...this Full Moon in Virgo grounds that challenge into the work.

What can we do in our personal life to make things better for ourselves?

How does that translate into the small, maybe incremental changes that make our lives look and feel more healthy?

To be sure...this is not fancy energy...not filled with fireworks and parades. Rather, it is us looking back on how we moved forward - maybe inch by inch - to a better ideal. This is the power of Virgo Moon energy.

Look for the small wins. Make small adjustments. Pivot to the changing circumstances.

Finally, this Virgo Supermoon asks you to find the work that matters. If it matters to will make a difference to your circle of

Isn't that a bit like meticulously grounding (Virgo earth energy) the flow of collective energies (Piscean water energy) in our individual and collective lives? 

 Try may just surprise yourself...🌠

#Virgosupermoon   #groundyourself   #groundthepower   #evolveastro

...and many thanks to Alex Block & Ross Tinney for these wonderful images!