Integrate Fire & Air...


Integrating Fire & Air     The Cold Moon      December 12, 2019 12:13 AM EST

"The Cold Moon" or "Long Night's Midwinter Moon" makes us think of those nights we lie awake as the full moon shines ever so brightly in the cold clear December sky. She brings her intensity and casts shadows over half-seen entities lurking in the corners of our rooms / our minds / our souls. "The Dark Night of the Soul" comes to mind. I don't offer this to be a doom sayer...just as a reminder - an observation - of where we are in our calendar year. We are closely approaching not only the end of 2019, but we stand at the gates of a new decade.

 So. How fitting. 

 We are being offered a bit of a shake up to awaken our minds and inspiration so we can thoughtfully and purposefully move through those gates to the new decade. We are being asked for resolve...motivation...determination...and finally...decisions.

All this hazy moon energy puts us into a "space between". The Pause. And then the moment arrives. Our intuition hits. Our voice becomes clear and resolute. Our path clears and we stand ready to move.

But. Not. Just. Yet.

As uncomfortable as it may seem, we feel the reponsibility of all those fast energies and it  catches our attention. We are being asked to integrate the Fire and Air of this full Moon in Gemini (air energy) in Sagittarius (fire energy) light our way,  possibly? Gemini provides what this sign does better than any other - a bright, curious nature that won't rest until all options are explored. Can we take this on until all conversations are had? Have we heard and listened enough? Overlay all this questioning with the demands of fiery Sagittarius. Most especially, Sag tells us not to settle. Don't settle for what brings boredom and those ties to deathly predictable behavior and lifestyle.

Mix it up (Gemini-style) with expansive optimism (Sagittarian bounty).

What's at stake? 

 We are poised to enter new territory as this new decade dawns. Fire and Air are the two elements that when combined are explosive and combustible. Maybe you're thinking...hmm...military-style firepower? You'd be right...perhaps. But, equally we have the opportunity to employ the best combination of these volatile energies. How about we deploy satellites to the each of our lives...for each other...and for our World.🌠

#evolveastro #fireandair #geminifullmoon