Leo New Moon -- To Start Anew


The Leo New Moon - July 31, 2019  11:12 pm EDT

A second new moon in July...another opportunity to start (again)...and this time from a place of the heart...deep inside ourselves.  Leo rules the heart...which also applies to courage (think Braveheart)...quiet confidence and strength (the #8 card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot).

It is also about the creativity spurred by the vitality of the Sun - the Leo planet ruler.

So..think spontaneity...creativity...fertility...sunshine and vitality...illumination.

The important thing here is to remember to keep a level of humility. Leo overdone can be that energy that plays to the audience in a grandiose way. This does not always serve our highest purpose. So...let's return to the idea of quiet confidence. What does that look like? It is the friendships we have in which we support with the quiet smile of gratitude. The willing ear. The hand outstretched to give assistance or to help another regain their place. It is showing heart in the right place and at the right time...all the while standing in strength and courage. As a mirror to the Sun. Can we do this? We must surely try...for ourselves...and for each other.