Libra New Moon...the Fulcrum is our Leverage


Libra New Moon - September 28, 2019  2:26pm  EDT

We've had a few days to accommodate to the ease of seasonal change into Autumn. The Autumnal Equinox signifies the balance of days...a season in balance...if just for a day. The serenity of balance. Is it something we can count on...? Well...yes...and no. We witness it globally twice per year as the seasons change from Winter to Spring and from Summer to Fall. Do we expect this balance to remain immobile and fixed? No...we have grown accustomed to the flow of seasonal change. about we consider that this seasonal change is our half-yearly reminder that balance must tip into imbalance for us to move back into balance once again. Truth be told, we live much of our lives in imbalance (seasonal or otherwise). A metaphor for how we might want to see our lives more clearly...? ...Possibly.

How fascinating! So what does this have to do with the season of Libra...?

If we look at the scales...we see two polar opposite sides awaiting something to weigh and balance. But that is not all we see. There is a fulcrum sitting between these two weights..two problems..two situations...two people. The fulcrum is just as much a part of the scales as the two weighted opposites. The fulcrum allows the scales to highlight...the imbalances.

Don't we notice something or someone "not weighing in" when we are looking for an answer to a dilemma?

Or how about someone being seen as a "lightweight" as an underhanded way of signaling they should be considered insubstantial and not to be taken seriously?

I'd like to consider that it takes three, not two. The two weights alone side by side would not be as powerful without the fulcrum. It is the fulcrum that gives the weight a precise value or lack of it. Or said another way...we can see value between two opposing viewpoints more clearly through a third point...or person...or people...or community. And taken one step further...the fulcrum has the power to "tip the balance" based on it's position.

How can we be (become) the fulcrums to our own polar experiences, questions, problems and choices? How can we tip the balance in our lives to promote our best selves?

You will often hear me say we are surrounded by polarities in our daily lives...Sun/Moon...Dark/Light...Good/Bad...Happy/Sad...and so on. If the Universe did not consider this concept of Libran weighing and balancing to be so important, it would not be front and center in our daily Earthly awareness. However, we are often blind to that which is right in front of us. The Autumnal Equinox ushers Libra into our lives yearly...let us sit up and take notice this Libra season. The scales wish to balance. We know from our life experiences (and the equinoxes!) that balance is a tentative placement. It is the ideal. We can strive to obtain it, but we must accept and accommodate its opposite and the periods of imbalance leading back to balance.

One thing is certain. Balance will return. Will we be ready...will we be grateful for the serenity it brings? Can our internal fulcrum help to facilitate less volatility in those times when we are out of balance? This is the generosity of Libran energy. What goes around...comes around. And aren't we glad about that...?  

Let's be grateful for the reciprocity and do our part to keep it going...head over heart sometimes...but just as equally heart over head...♎︎🌠

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