Braveheart...A Lion-sized message straight from the heart...August 18, 2020...New Moon in Leo 1042pm EDT...


August 18, 2020    New Moon in Leo   1042 pm EDT

Strength . Confidence . Brave Endurance . Shine .

Leo season is waning. But. Not. Yet. Finished. The last hurrah for the Summer season...the Summer Sun is giving way to Virgo season...but in true Leo fashion the wish is for us to take heart and use this one last-of-the-summer moon cycle to grow something of value that can live in our hearts until Leo comes around again in 2021. Each constellation rules a part of our bodies...and each is led by direct energy from one of our solar system's planets. As such, Leo is the ruler of the heart and is guided more directly than any other sign through the energy of the Sun. So, we think of Leo energy as our mastery of creative and birthing energies to their fullest through spontaneity...self-expression...confident actions. And always with a sense of passionate awareness...and illumination like the our world around us.

What are we looking to discover around us now in this fading Leo energy?

How about...?

Spontaneity...a sense of bringing that value into our all the more worthy challenge (such a Leo concept!) during the imposition of social restrictions.

Confidence...a value that builds like a flame into a fire from within and shines outward

Self-expression...what can we regrow / reassert / regain as part of our selves that we would like to show the world (another form of Leo energy)

I stop here for a moment...a misconception surfaces as we ponder what Leo energies mean in our lives. Leo energy is considered to be grand. It expresses in the grandeur of sunlight...nature's spotlight. But, I would argue that it is in its most divine and powerful when we witness our Leo companions take hold of our hands to allow the rest of us to shine. The stage is not always in front of a large and grandiose audience or arena. Rather, it is the energy that brings a shine to the family the outdoor fire the witness of sunrise along a mountain pass.

Our Leo friends, family members and familiars (this term gives honor to those animals who also know how to share their shine!) are those who never allow us to lose our own version of shining. Those companions are the stalwarts of the saying, we live to fight another day or the sun also rises.

Let's celebrate this new moon gift wrapped in Leo energies. It calls directly to the heart. And a desire to keep the Sun shining in our lives as we transition to Fall.

What to do? I would suggest an experiment. Each of us has a Leo placement in our birth chart of cosmic energies...or as I refer to the circle as our personal mandalas. Somewhere along the circle lies your unique version of Leo and where those energies play out in your life. If you have some additional cosmic may also have a planet or two expressing additional radiance in Leo. Nonetheless...take a look and discover where this New Moon in Leo is sharing a secret to your happiness (Moon energy).

[**If you need a bit of help finding where your Leo sits, go to:

to calculate your birthchart circle / mandala**]

Ready? I'm leaving a few suggestions for you to consider as possibilites for using Leo energies in each of the 12 life environments (houses) of the circle. Find yours...It'll get you thinking...I hope!...and even better I hope it gets you to express your own version of Leo energy...

Go for it! ❤️

1st House...Leo rules the heart. Follow your heart-driven path or "to thine own (heart) self be true"...

2nd House...What drives your worthiness and self-esteem? What are the"currencies" or things of value in your life? How do you fill yourself up? Are your efforts sustainable through heart-centered persistence?

3rd House...Does your heart get a say when it comes to your voice? And how often? Feel for it...

4th House...Be purposeful in your desire to strengthen (such a great Leo word) your relationships with family and your familiars.  Build  your Soul Tribe...

5th House...The heart desires to create something here that is lasting. It may take "trying on" a few things that are not quite right until you find the fit. Persevere (Leo). It's coming. And it will last.

6th House...A place of service to humanity. One action at a time. Small gestures that evoke simple pleasures from the heart.

7th House...Trusting one's heart to be understood and valued by others. And how to do it...Be generous (Leo). Sharing requires trust and expects reciprocity. Be open to giving and receiving.

8th House...A place where strangers fear to tread. But also a place where the heart longs to find deeper meaning. Full disclosure. It can be a pathway to opening one's heart through heart break. But the real meaning of "heartbreak" means "heart break wide open". Be brave (Leo). Be willing to go deep to find hidden treasure to know others in our lives in a deeply-bonded way.

9th House...The heart goes on a journey here. An expanded and openly generous (Leo) and optimistic heart can open to learning new ways of expression (Leo). Let the arrow fly to your next meaningful life experience. It will allow you to know yourself from a new perspective. And gives you a chance to be that arrow of discovery for others.

10th House...The heart shines (Leo) most brightly in the sky like the Sun at "high noon". This "high noon" of life speaks to success / recognition / being known for something / Avocation. Be willing to surge your Leo heart energies at this time to pursue your greatness (Leo). Be a lion in your own life so that you may have a legacy of work to share with and inspire (Leo) others. Remember the Sun shines in an equal amount of brightness on each of is not diminished by that equality of shining. These are your days in the Sun.

11th House...Heart energy connects with other hearts that beat at the same vibration. This is the essence of solidarity with others.  Find opportunities to connect with your heart's desires. You will never be misled. You will find your tribe and purpose. Be willing to go where you've never imagined.

12th House...A deeply felt and heart-driven existence. You know what drives your likely have spent time with this idea and the depth of your heart is endless.

Today...Let's all be fellow's to eternal Leo Shine...☀️♌︎🌠

#evolveastro #Leonewmoon #Strength #Braveendurance #goforit #shineon

A generous Thank You to Kim Krans and the Wild Unknown Tarot®