Negotiating the Extremes...


Negotiating the Extremes...

Full Moon in Cancer   Lunar Eclipse    January 10, 2020 2:21pm EST

What might be the secrets the Universe is trying to share?

Let's look at the suggestions...

The first Full Moon of this new decade is showing as a Lunar Eclipse. Normally, the Full Moon shows herself in full reflection as she sits in opposition to the Sun. But this time, the Earth (or possibly we might say "we" or "us") stands between the Moon and the reflection of the Sun. What normally is a bright and intense moment is in this experience overshadowed by Earth energies. I would offer that this experience will be felt more personally...more of an inside job...than at other times. This Lunar Eclipse in Cancer...the sign of healing...the sign that is the space-holder for times of stillness and wishing to manifest inside ourselves. Slowly. Deliberately. With cancer-like shell or armor first...but with a nod to another Cancerian word...connection.

The potential here comes from the ability to trust our abilities to take a risk. To be vulnerable. The Universe is saying, "give it a go...but go slowly". To do so is to encourage open and courageous sharing of self with those who complement our own brave stand for some other Cancer ideals: Strength. Depth. Grace.

Let's take that Cancerian shell and see it as armor to stand in our power - not as something that hardens around us refusing the experiences of our lives and greater World - but more like a show of strength to encourage others to be strong. This Full Moon is here to ask us to do just that. Wear your armor proudly - but loosely - knowing that strengths can become weaknesses in the extreme.

Ahh...Cancer knows all about the extremes. The tough shell houses the tender heart.

Here are some questions for you to consider...

Am I tenaciously holding onto people/relationships/ideas/situations that remind me of a former me?

How does trust work in my life?   Do I?   Can I?

Is my "armor" bandaging a wound that could benefit from the care of nurturing others?

Let's see this through together. If nothing else, the Universe offers this Full Moon in this healing and nurturing sign of Cancer to say, "reach out and touch each other." Be the first to smile - a risk worth taking - it's a start...🌠

#Cancerfullmoon #Lunareclipse #evolveastro #asmileisanopening