Scorpio Full Moon...Touching the Current


Scorpio Full Moon  /  May 18, 2019  5:11 pm EDT   A Blue Moon

A Blue Scorpio fullness.  What a juxtaposition. shares with us that "Blue is the color of the sky and sea and is associated with depth and stability.  It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth and heaven."  All beautiful  concepts we strive to achieve in our lives as we move along our chosen life path.  

But what is the Scorpio connection to all that beautiful blue?  And CONNECTION is just...the...right...word.  CONNECTION.  Think electricity.  The physical plug-ins of friendship and collegial relationships...the intellectual sparks of conversation and idea-sharing...the spiritual downloads...the heartfelt electricity of emotional affinity.  We can use the word CONNECTION to describe all of these experiences. our paths widen and narrow and jump across many an abyss as our world expands and evolves,  how do we negotiate the quantum jump between where we find ourselves now and to that "Blue Moon" condition of peace and calm and centeredness?  There's the CONNECTION.  The Scorpio Full Moon showing herself as a Blue Moon wishes us to know feel connect with the current of that which is deep within ourselves to allow our current to flow through our lives and into others.  Electricity can be dangerous...but isn't dangerous sometimes about life changing?  The Moon in this wardrobe of blue all wrapped up in the electricity of Scorpio intensity wishes us to use that electric-like current to connect to what drives us and our passions.  What is the current which runs through our life force?  Are we transforming it to light our way to our best path?  Can we connect with others in more exciting and deeply rewarding ways?   

This seasonal blue moon is nature's way of showing us that we have had an extra full moon this Spring season to help us jump-start our expression and release of energies so we may begin anew...and maybe again...let's be brave and touch the current...