Standing in Solidarity...


The Full Moon in Aquarius   The Corn Moon   August 15, 2019   8:29 AM EDT

Close your eyes.  You look out at a scene of small seedlings.  Your mind's eye recognizes them instantly...they are fact...they are you. You recognize these seedlings...  imagination...inspiration...ambition...expectation...determination...hopefulness...a new World. They grow! You're excited...but cautious. They look so fragile, but yet determined. You feel a sense of amazement (and maybe just a little bit of pride?). And especially, you see clearly your ability to see things through...despite the odds.

All of this evokes the essence of Uranus --Uranian energy-- and it's sign Aquarius -- in our inner selves. Our minds provide the perfect storm for the incubation and birth of new ways of doing things. This represents the birth of Aquarian energy in ourselves.

The Corn Moon wants us to come into this energy filled with the fruits of our mind's labor. A chance to share our imaginings of our abundant creative minds that will come into full blown manifestation at our next full moon - the Harvest Moon.

But not just yet.

What is required now is to stand in solidarity. A not being afraid of losing individuality - ourselves - in the caring/standing for those things and people and beings for whom we wish to express our connection, compassion and aid. It means holding hands on the picket line or holding our struck match high to highlight a strong connection and conviction with like-minded souls. It means doing but also experiencing those "stand for" moments. We can do this by experiencing the questioning that arises in us as we feel the connection to our communities and our fellow Earth travelers. This breeds a most Aquarian expression...the freedom of conviction.

The shadow of all this Aquarian independent and free thinking energy holds its inevitable shadow, however. We must be watchful of drifting away into ourselves solely. Don't underestimate this full moon's ability to draw you into being "against" to such a degree that the connection to others is broken. Let these moments of standing in solidarity bring us together with purpose. We can be strong standing together, and we must just as certainlly feel the power we bring as individuals to each of these coming-together moments that will wash over us in the next few days as this full moon takes hold.

The golden moment. It happens...can happen...will happen...when our independent and free thoughts and actions -- all that Uranian/Aquarian energy-- supports us. Stand where and when your Uranian grace flows. Be strong. Be independent. Be forward-thinking. And most important..stand in your truth and surely others will be with you as the circuit of connection happens.

Feel the power...and make it stand for something greater. We all need this..more than ever...

despite all the odds...ðŸŒ