Summer Solstice...Arms Wide Open


Summer Solstice      Sun enters Cancer      June 20, 2020   5:44PM EDT

Solar Eclipse             June 21, 2020    2:02AM EDT

New Moon in Cancer  June 21, 2020   2:41AM EDT

Arms Wide Open...

A Lakota Prayer of Wisdom

In the Circle, we are all equal...

There is no one in front of you

And there's nobody behind you

No one is below you

The Circle is sacred

Because it is designed to create Unity

The Opening Act. "The Opener" to this triple part cosmic event moved through our consciousness on Friday June 5, probably noticed something moving inside your psyche or heart or head or stomach or...? All Solar Eclipses begin their phase of experience with a Lunar Eclipse. The opener is a point at which the Earth positions between the Sun and Moon casting a shadow on the Moon. As a reduction of sunlight darkens our perception of our Moon, this cosmic event opens us up to what it means to go within ourselves or to move away from the light for a moment to align with the questions and curiosity (Gemini energies) we may have seeded during the previous Gemini New Moon. Did you perhaps feel the desire to do something after all the questions and pondering? Might it have felt something like...

What's the purpose? And...of what? abundance...?

You fill in your own ________. Contrasting all that Gemini curiosity, the Full Moon Eclipse early in June was in the opposite sign of Sagittarius. If Gemini is all about formulating the questions...Sagittarius is all about the journey of doing something about it. And this gift came packaged with your name on one else's. The Lunar Eclipse was a time of claiming. Claiming responsibility. Claiming the reward. Only you know which is right for you. But if you have been reading the likely answered your questions of purpose with new insights brought forth from seeing yourself from a new perspective...a new vantage point...a Brave New World...from somewhere outside of yourself. Bravo!

Enter Act II. The Summer Solstice arrives. We witness this as a new day dawning. But not just any new day. This sunrise is filled with the magic and beauty of sacred and ancestral alignment to Earthly touchstones like Stonehenge. The Sun, once again, strikes a balance in the seasons. It is the longest day in the northern hemisphere...essentially half day/half night. A huge reminder of polarity. Today the energies of this Solstice bring us to a pivot point. The door opens to the possibility of a new day...but also one filled with overwhelming energy that signals this is an entirely new door. How can we know this? Another clue...

The Denouement. Every play includes this perspective...the resolution of circumstances. The Solar Eclipse enters the scene. The Moon briefly hides the Sun's rays from the surface of the Earth. The significance of this can be interpreted to signify our need to look at our full darkness to access our full lightness as humans. The Universe has conspired to show us this new door as a portal to more light than normal...or even more light than we have ever seen in any of our lifetimes. A challenge, for sure...

The Challenge and the Encore. The New Moon in Cancer and Sun in Cancer. While the Sun moved into Cancer with the Solstice...I would argue that the greater power happens at the New Moon. Cancer is a sign ruled by Moon energies. Cancer and the Moon exemplify that which is important to our lives as humans. Cancer is the Mother. The sign that shows us what it means to feel life on the surface of our experiences. It can be felt as touchy or moody energy when we are out of sorts. But, equally, it is also the exalted energies of Nurture... Compassion... Sanctuary...Community...and most powerfully our sense of Home. I suspect the resolution of all the Gemini questioning...especially with the backdrop of a global health imbalance...has many of us thinking about what home means to citizens of our respective families, communities, states, countries, and as citizens of the World.

How can we be more inclusive in our ways of being with each other and collectively? Inclusivity is an important component of Cancerian Home values. How about another...the value of Humility. We might all agree that Humility is a quintessential word that exudes Mothering.

Can we feel (Cancer word) our way to being our own best version of ourselves?

Is there an opening to being inclusive of others and sharing (yet another Cancerian virtue) in our day to day lives?

How can we expand the Big own expression of Cancerian energies...or one might use the word transform this Solstice / Eclipse energy into a living, breathing experience for everyone?

It starts by extending your hands outward...away from your own body of worry...fear...distrust...

Cancer energies ask for humble beginnings and small gestures. Then we might watch them multiply and the momentum grow as we exhibit greater Trust.

We are the Circle. We are One. One humankind...One Earth.🌠🌎🌍🌏

#evolveastro #thebighug #thecircleisneverending #armswideopen #summersolstice   #weareone