The Blessed Endings...


Pisces Full Moon   The Harvest Moon   September 14, 2019 12:33 AM EDT

The Blessed Endings

What would life be without them? You sit at the end of what seems like a never-ending day of hard work and finally...the outbreath of a sigh. So welcome. You take solace in the bounty of the will and effort that allowed the day to amount to something greater than you. You rest.

If that day has been less than you had hoped...and haven't we all been here, too? can equally express a feeling of gratitude for its completion. The word and emotion of, "FINALLY...!" comes to mind.

Two sides of a blessed ending.

Our lives are filled with them. If we can only allow what needs to become completed. Humans are funny creatures. We tend to view our lives as a straight line...maybe with a few unfortunate and inconvenient gates along the way...some with keys and some without one. Moving forward feels like a straight line to success to us. But. What if it we saw it more like a circle. A circle that lifts off the page as we come around to the end and begin again. We might see smaller circles beginning and ending within the arms of the greater circle that is our Lifetime. The idea of a circle allows us not only the opportunity to celebrate the fullness of our life experiences, but it also suggests that the new circles contain the wisdom found in "coming full circle" at those earlier "revolutions" of our lives.

That's it.

Pisces sits at the 12th stop on the zodiac wheel. We feel Piscean energy in our smaller trips around our life circles...daily...monthly...yearly passages throughout our lives. This Harvest Moon in Pisces asks us to Complete. Grieve. Accept Loss. Harvest. Release. Brian Froud's Lady of the Harvest is here to show us the bounty of blessed endings. It is the ending which allows for new beginnings. Pisces energy here speaks to releasing into the larger circle from the endings of those smaller circles we have seen as our successes and disappointments. Release and let go so that new experiences can begin a new circle.

In Jessica Macbeth's words as she captures the essence of Brian Froud's wistful Lady of the Harvest in the Faeries Oracle...

It is time to accept change, to move on to the next phase. Power and strength

in the present and future come from releasing the past. This is a time of

liberation, and we might as well cooperate with it. It will happen, whether

we want it to or not. Release and liberation may be painful or joyful,

depending on the circumstances. Cry if you need to, be joyful if that is

appropriate, but in either case trust the process, acknowledge what you

feel, and prepare to move on.'s to Blessed Endings...and bright new beginnings...ðŸŒ