Sagittarian Full Moon..."The Itch"...


Full Moon in Sagittarius / June 17, 2019  4:31am EDT     The Blessing Moon

"The Itch"...what is the proverbial "scratch" that'll suffice...and one that brings a sense of contentment?"

We feel it building.  We feel the heat.  It's right next to us...right behind us...all around us...that curious something which is provoking our wish to move / to "get outta Dodge"/ to give in to the travel bug / a road trip, maybe...?

Let's play with the Moon's energy for a bit here. We're coming off all that cerebral and idea-inspiring ( busy and buzzy) energy of the New Moon in Gemini. Did we figure out what our next steps are to be?  Gemini influence always gives us the ideas...and often way too many of them! But now we sense a need to go somewhere with those's where we begin to think and feel, but mostly want to "act" like a Sagittarian. That means the spark of wanderlust...something like...

Oh, hell...maybe I should just bite-the-bullet and spring for that new Airstream Bambi trailer and indulge in some nomad energies for a bit...hmm...Taos, New Mexico, maybe? 

 Sound vaguely familiar?'re not the only one. The Cosmos, through its cohort the Moon and our closest satellite teacher says, "go for it!" That is...if you're actually listening to this upcoming Full Moon in Sagittarius. And...why not? Isn't this the perfect introduction to Summer? The season that's all about play and relaxation and finding our new bliss and joy through vacation? It's time to light a fire...your own particular brand of fiery energy...Sagittarian style. This energy encourages us to let in and soak up the Sun...and wrap up yourself and those around you in fun gatherings with the volume turned up. We may even get to see a side of ourselves we've not seen before now. comes the "but". ..

Before all this fire gets out of control...I am here to remind you, too, that the flip side of all this letting go is to embrace the contentment felt at the end of the the end of the bonfire comes the embers that fuel quiet contentment.  After all...all this fire is the opening act for the beginning of Cancer Season happening later this week.

Absolutely.  Let's let go with something close to reckless abandon...but with the intent to bring that fire inward and find our home inside of ourselves. Often that can be done only by journeying...traveling (all Sag energies) we can find our true home within ourselves...

And there we witness the Cancer connection. Cancer energies express most fully when we have had the time to travel outside of ourselves to come "home" to contentment. Home is a euphemism for Cancer expression...and as I often suggest, "Home can be a place...but it is most powerfully a space...and that space resides most comfortably in your heart."

Enjoy yourselves...and please play carefully with all those matches...🔥