The Rogue Wave...


New Moon in Cancer / Solar Eclipse / July 2, 2019  3:16pm EDT

We've felt the energy of this New Moon coming into focus for a bit. Kind of like the increase in ocean swells that brings the rogue wave to impact ferociously before us on the shoreline. This New Moon is much like that wave experience. We anticipate. We feel the energy building. Then...suddenly, and sometimes unexpectedly...we are awash with a flood of this case that energetic likely feels filled with uncertain and swirling Cancer-like. And let's not forget that this New Moon is interlaced with a Solar Eclipse. Shall we say emotions on steroids? We may have a sense now that these emotional undercurrents are driving us to transform ourselves. And with the intensity of a Solar Eclipse those circumstances ready to change or be birthed anew are being divinely orchestrated to transform us entirely. A clean slate - but one with increased momentum of intention and purpose. We are being encouraged to take hold of our deepest desires...our most inner wishes and bring them powerfully into the light.

It all starts with intention...dig deeply for all those intentions you've been holding deeply and maybe even secretly in your heart. This New Moon wants you to embrace your best you and that means being fully self-expressed. You're being asked to become bold. It is time. Get is about to explode with new possibilities.

Buckle up.ðŸŒ